

Year 9 Knife Crime Workshop

April 24th 2023

Year 9 students were involved in knife crime workshops, developing their understanding of a range of aspects linked to this area.  This was organised through our school safer school’s officers with PC Graeme Halleron and colleagues present.

Students initially were told about how knife crime had become more common in London.  They then met an ambulance worker, who discussed knife crime from the aspect of needing to save a life, explaining what students should do and how to make an ambulance call.  They also explained how knife crime can cause different life-changing injuries.

The next session focused on joint enterprise and the consequences of knife crime, as well as laws and the importance of reporting people who illegally carry knives.

Students then met ‘Nathan’ who had a brother who was stabbed.  Nathan spoke about his life, avoiding gangs, making the right decisions at school, and working hard and being determined in order to bring success.  He spoke about not copying others, thinking for yourselves and making good decisions.  Nathan recounted the story about his brother being a victim of knife crime, and how the incident could have been stopped by a range of people had they spoken up.  He also spoke about the consequences for the perpetrator – life in prison.

At the end of the morning, PC Graeme Halleron stated how well behaved the Year 9 cohort were, being respectful and patient throughout and a credit to the school.

Mr. Whiteman

Assistant Headteacher / Designated Safeguarding Lead