

Spring Showcase 2024

April 22nd 2024

On Wednesday 20th March nearly 100 Warren students took to the stage for this year's Spring Showcase. The audience were treated to Music, Drama and Dance acts and it was fantastic to see some new students for whom it was their first performance in a Showcase.

IMG 1588IMG 1617IMG 1625Students took charge of not just the stage but also the production as they were running the lighting, sound and also helping backstage.

We also had two amazing Year 9 comperes who kept everything running smoothly and delivered some wonderfully lame jokes!

"There were so many fantastic performers it's hard to pick a favourite"

"I was nervous about being on stage in the show but I really enjoyed it in the end and want to be in the next one"

There were lots of fantastic comments from parents as they left at the end so well done to everyone involved!

Mrs Briner & The Performing Arts DeptIMG 1587IMG 1615IMG 1586