Year 9 Science Museum Trip
BackFor the last of the Year 9 Mathematics trips to the Science Museum, our students enjoyed an educationally enriched and successful trip. They were very well behaved on the tube and at the Museum. A member of the public commended the students for their excellent behaviour and conduct.
At The Winton Mathematics Gallery, the students were keen to get started on the tasks, explored the role of mathematics in daily life and the tools used from the past which shaped our present. Year 9 students tried breaking codes from the Enigma Machine. We also visited the gallery exploring Space, hopefully inspiring future mathematicians and astronauts.
The Shake Bar was an additional yummy treat as some students had milkshakes and ice-creams.
Most importantly, Year 9 students were kind and respectful towards each other, students from other schools, teachers and the public. Everyone had a great time and students were amazing in their behaviour, knowledge of the transport system, curiosity in how things work and enthusiasm.
Both I and Year 9, are extremely grateful to Mr Lall and Miss Burrell for their tireless support throughout the trip.
I have enjoyed the experience of leading the trip and look forward to the next one.
Mrs Khodadeen