

Summer School

November 2nd 2021

During the first two weeks of the Summer Holidays, The Warren School held a Summer School for a number of students. 

We offered places on the Summer School to all the students who would be joining us in Year 7 in September and had a fantastic response with students joining us for the first two weeks of the holidays. 

Places were also offered to students in Years 7 and 10 with a similar response for places. 

Every student who indicated that they wanted to join us in the Summer School was offered a place and over 200 students enjoyed the activities, lessons and sports on offer. 

The Summer School was a great way to support Year 7 students and their parents in the transition process making their official start in September easier and less stressful. 

Lessons and Activities included Art, DT, English, History, Maths, PE, RE and Science, plus Business and Sociology for some of our Year 10 students.

The DfE Funding of £250740 covered our costs including the 40 wonderful teachers who volunteered to help our students during the Summer School, lunch for the students, support from our Year Care Team, our hardworking caretakers and cleaning staff as well as the costs of electricity and gas.