

BBC Share Your Story - Careers Event

September 27th 2022

On 14th September, The Warren School hosted the BBC once again, as part of the BBC’s 100th Birthday career roadshow celebrations.

TV and Radio presenter Jasmine Takhar was the host for the day. The guests included: Nicola Lighterness (Blue Serif, Romford), Michael Panellist (Mr SEO, Romford) and Jess Campbell (BBC Researcher).

The tour, produced by BBC, is designed to inspire young people to achieve their goals and help realise their ambitions. These interactive sessions highlight the range of career opportunities at the BBC and the creative industries, both locally and across the UK.

Over 900 students from the school took part in this interactive careers presentation. Students were totally engaged and asked some amazingly insightful questions about what qualifications they needed, what degree should they take and what obstacles the panellists faced on their career journey.