

Year 11 Exam Stress workshop

May 12th 2023

The Mental Health Support Team held two Exam Stress Workshops for Year 11 students running up to their mocks.  Within the sessions, they worked with the students to understand that stress and anxiety are normal emotions, the signs of stress and anxiety and how to recognise them.  They talked through the body’s reactions to these and how they manifest, making sure students recognised the less familiar signs of stress as well as the more familiar ones.

The MHST team also explored study traps, the importance of sleep, and how to self-manage exam stress and anxiety.  They provided students with practical ways in which to manage their anxieties as well as being able to recognise behaviours that can make this worse and how to avoid them.

During the final session, the students were able to feedback on the strategies they had used, including what had worked and what didn't.  They were also helped to design their own support system inside and outside of school.  

The MHST team is in school four days a week and available for students to seek support should they need it.

Ms Begum