

Coffee Morning 2023

July 21st 2023


The SEND department and ARP provision recently hosted the Summer Term Coffee morning. We welcomed a huge number of parents, carers and families, alongside our Headteacher and Chair of Governors. The event was an excellent opportunity to showcase the students’ progress and attainment over the past term with performances from individuals and groups linked to a range of curriculum areas. Huge applause was given to speeches, musical performances and showcasing of work. We looked back at the many trips and visits students have experienced this year and the opportunities they have had to act as ambassadors for our school within our local community and further afield. Parents had an opportunity to discuss progress, next steps and targets for the coming year with keyworkers and the SEND team and to review achievements and success across the past year.

Thank you to all the families who came to share a drink and a cake in support of our children and the amazing work of the SEND team and The Warren School community in securing the progress of all students including those with SEND.