

Stubbers Rewards Trip 2023

July 21st 2023

Stubbers 2023 (1)

An exclusive rewards trip to Stubbers Adventure Centre was organised for our Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 pupils to recognise good attendance, hard work and effort in class.

Activities included laser tag, archery, archery combat, rifle shooting, dirt boarding, leap of faith, caving, high ropes and a vertical obstacle course. The activities helped develop confidence, team work, communication skills and self-esteem.

Staff from Stubbers were very complimentary about our students. Pupils had a great time, overcame their various phobias and built new friendships by supporting and working together.

Comments from pupils included:

Augustina: "Stubbers made me overcome my fears, especially the fear of heights when completing the Leap of Faith! Laser Tag was fun as we had to work as a team to win, and we did"  

Fabrizia: "I loved the experience. I was scared but my teachers encouraged me to complete the activities and I am so happy that I was able to go."

Siean: "Stubbers is an excellent opportunity to encourage us to do challenging activities that we don't usually do".

Thank you to Ms Shiekh, Ms Awan, Mr Price, Ms Khanom, Ms Prokofjeva and Ms Gray who also supervised and supported our students during this trip.

Mr. A Uddin MBE

Director of Learning Phases