

University of Cambridge Trip

February 8th 2024

On Wednesday 15th November 2023, twelve high-attaining Year 11 pupils visited University of Cambridge, Newnham College. Pupils were exposed to university lift and given sessions focussing on higher education and student finance, making informed choices about their futures and study skills. In addition, pupils took part in a tour of the university college and a Q&A session with existing pupils.


The Warren School was ranked first in the borough for A-Level results Grade A*-A and continue to expose pupils to reputable universities to raise their aspirations to target the top universities in the country. 



The nature of the trip met the following Gatsby Benchmarks : 

3. Addressing the needs of each pupil

4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance


Mr Goodman

Year 11 Achievement Team Leader


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