What Next Careers Expo
BackOn Friday 15th November, 20 Year 12 pupils attended the What Next careers expo at Kensington Olympia.
Pupils were able to engage with a range of employers, universities and apprenticeship providers to gain a greater insight into different pathways and careers, as well as the skills and qualifications needed to access them. Pupils attending the trip represented the school impeccably and one exhibitor approached their Achievement Team Leader during the event praising their courtesy, maturity and for asking such insightful questions. We are delighted to see our pupils represent the school community in such a manner.
This visit helps the school in its ongoing work towards the government's eight Gatsby Benchmarks of good careers guidance by meeting the following benchmarks:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Personal guidance
Mr Goodman
Year 12 Achievement Team Leader